center of the book of Lamentations. We often work towards a
climax the end of a piece, but very often in the OT the center is the
high point, the heart of the message. So it is here. This chapter
contains the best known verses in the book - 22-23.
again it is in the form of an acrostic - but this time in groups of
three verses: aaa,bbb,ccc - for all 22 letters of the Hebrew
You Think You Have Problems!
are you initial impressions of these verses? Do they remind you of
any other passages of scripture?
it who says: "I am the man..."? Some
think Jeremiah, or the King. We do not know for sure but we can say
it was a male survivor, a believer. The first two Laments come with
female voices - Lam 1 Jerusalem is 'She'. Lam 2 the focus is on the
daughter of Zion, daughter of Judah, daughter of my people, daughter
of Jerusalem v1, 2,4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18.
how many times he says: 'He has'. Although
the destruction was brought about by the Babylonians they are the
secondary cause, it is the Lord who is the first cause of the
is a believer who says in v1 that he is under
the rod of his wrath. How
do you reconcile this with the believer been loved by God?
is popular today to hear preachers say: "No matter how much you
sin God loves you just the same." "God hates the sin and
loves the sinner." We hear more today about 'grace' than we did
30 years ago. All these things are true but they are not the whole
there is often a missing 'chord' that puts the preacher out of tune
with the music of the message of the Bible. It is the chord sounded
in Lamentations 3:1. We need a theology, an understanding of God that
includes this. We need a full doctrine of the love of God.
am indebted for what follows to Mark Jones and his book
'Antinomianism' for the reminder of these truths.)
[1] The intra-Trinitarian love of God. The love between the three
persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is an eternal love, and a
natural love. There cannot but be love between the Father, Son and
The love God has for all he has made. This is not a necessary love.
God does not have to love all his creation. It is a voluntary love.
We can distinguish between:
(1) God's universal love for all things.
(2) God's love for all people - believers and unbelievers.
(3) God's
special love for his people.
love for his people be seen in three categories:
God's love
of benevolence
(big heartedness, giving out of generosity, kindness, grace,) seen in
election and predestination.
(2) God's
love of beneficence
(a gift that is not deserved or earned, but is generously and freely
(3) God's
love of delight or friendship
in which he rewards his people for their holiness and obedience to
his commandments - Hebrews 11:5-6; John 14:21; 16:26-27.
loved our writer of Lamentations 3 with a love of benevolence and
beneficence, but God did not delight in the sins of the City of
Jerusalem and for a while his people were under his rod of wrath.
This is the warning Jesus gave to some of the Churches in Rev 2-3:
we see that the Lord gets angry with believers - Rev 2:4-5; 14-16;
Rev 3:1b-3; 15-19. The Lord disciplines those he loves. At times he
hides his smile and we see and feel his displeasure, and
disappointment, as the disciples did at times. (We shall not at this
point take up the thought of grieving the Holy Spirit - Eph 4:30)
How To Find Hope When Hope Has Perished.
hope has perished.....v21 I have hope.
He calls to mind God's love of benevolence and beneficence. Thomas
Chisholm's testimony. What we can learn from sorrow.
He sets about regaining God's love of delight and friendship. Pascal
said: "All the miseries of mankind arise from his
inability to sit still in his own room."
Lloyd-Jones comments: "You have to be still, you must
stop, you must be isolated, you must think. You cannot meet with the
Lord in the midst of the noise and the bustle and the fury of life.
Stillness is one of the great prerequisites."
Evil In The World:
Here is evil as God sees it. He sees every injustice.
God's punishment is fair.
He calls on the people to repent.
Once again we see God's anger.
All our enemies are against us.
When The LORD Hides Himself Call to Him!
He will weep until the Lord sees.
The danger he faces - this fits with Jeremiah being imprisoned in a
Persistent calling on the Lord
God redeems him - enemies beware!
God hears and sees all
Romans 12:19 Vengeance
is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.
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