RGHP/5 Hebrews 1&2
- 'Such A Great Salvation ' PSC
SHALL WE ESCAPE? - Hebrews 2:1-4
Hebrews 2:1-4 delivers
the first of several warnings to the readers. It comes with two
notes: [1] v1 lest
we drift away & [2] v3 how
shall we escape. We must not ignore
them by simply saying, 'Once saved always saved.' The writer includes
himself - note how often he says, 'We'.
warning is the 'therefore' of what we have seen over the previous 3
weeks. Here is his first application, his first direct exhortation.
Why has he been saying all this? What's the relevance of it to
those to whom he is writing and to us today?
Hebs 4v1 Therefore
we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we
drift away from it.
God has spoken but I'm
not persuaded that we are really paying sufficient attention. If we
do not then there are serious consequences for us - we will drift
away from the truth as a boat slips her moorings.
It easy to read our
Bible or hear a sermon and not take it in.
[1] We lose interest -
we have heard it all before.
[2] We may undergo a
loss of confidence in the word of God. What difference does it really
make anyhow? That's just your point of view. How can we be sure what
it means - so many different interpretations.
[3] The parable of the
sower: Satan; Pleasures of the world; Cares and concerns;
[4] He talks in v3 of
Neglect. What do you have to do to neglect the word of God? It's easy
- do nothing!
So we begin to drift
away - not a sudden departure, but little by little. Not drift away
from all truth, but from some vital parts of the truth.
How can we stop
ourselves from drifting away? The writer has told us. 'Pay much
closer careful attention'. Make sure you get time with your Bible.
Set yourself to listen to the sermon. Ask for the help of the Holy
Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning:
Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest
them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of
everlasting life." From the
book of common prayer.
begins by speaking about the message that came through the angels and
the consequence of disobeying it - v2 For since the message
declared by angels proved to be reliable and every transgression or
disobedience received a just retribution,
What word did God speak
through the angels? When you read of God giving the law in Exodus
there is no mention of the angels. however, in Deut 33:2; Acts
7:37-38, v53; Galatians 3:19.
Every transgression of
the law was punishable. There were no free sins! This is legal
language. The message delivered by angels was reliable. This is shown
by the fact that the law was legally binding. So any violation,
transgression, (that is overstepping the line) or disobedience (a
word that meant a failure or refusal to hear) - more legal terms.
Such acts were a deliberate rejection of God's will.
The law prescribed a
penalty. For major offences the penalty was death, for lesser
offences restitution could be made. For example: Exodus 21:29, v33;
Numbers 15:27.
how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was
declared at first by the Lord,
If all who disobeyed
the word brought by angels were punished then how much greater
punishment do we deserve if we neglect the word brought by the Son.
This word is none other than the gospel.
The gospel is in the
OT, Genesis 3:15; in the law in Exodus 20:2. But the gospel came
more: clearly, powerfully, fully, beautifully, through Jesus Christ.
If we neglect the gospel then how shall we escape?
The gospel is not just
to get us saved - it is through the gospel that we stay anchored; we
hold fast, so that we do not drift away. The gospel is not just for
the unsaved, it is for believers too!
It was first declared by the Lord. [2] and it was attested to us by
those who heard, Initially by the apostles, then by those who
believed through their message. [3] A 3rd confirmation v4
...while God also bore witness by
signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy
Spirit distributed according to his will.
The ministry of Jesus
saw an unprecedented time of miracles. He gave gifts to the Apostles
- 2 Cor12:12; Romans 15:18; All these signs and wonders bore witness
to the truth of the gospel that we now have in the NT. If we neglect
this then how shall we escape?